Science Under the Stars presents:
Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler (Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior Graduate Program)
"A lyrical voyage through the microbiome."
"We are not alone. We share our lives, our food, and our friends with trillions of bacterial beings. More bacterial cells live in the human body than there are stars in this galaxy. Yet we are now starting to explore this wild microworld and barely beginning to understand how it affects our health and well-being. Join us in a voyage through bacterial discovery. Who are they? How do we study them? Why should we be interested in learning more about them? Also, we will sing songs about them."
Science Under the Stars is a free public outreach lecture series in Austin, Texas. Events start at 7:30pm outdoors at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, 2907 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, Texas 78703. Arrive early for refreshments and fun activities for kids of all ages! Guided tours of the field lab start at 7pm (wear sturdy shoes and bring water)!